Wednesday, April 01, 2009

I wanna punch the economy in the face

I'm going to need to step out in a minute here and grab some coffee because the rainy day has me yawning into my keyboard. But I wanted to say something that's been on my mind lately re: Obama and some of his spectacular faux pas recently as we gear up to see how he handles himself on the world stage at the G20 conference. First, I readily admit that I've likely been very quick to judge him negatively so early in the game; definitely not fair and I appreciate you calling me out on it Steph. That said, I have noticed something of late which speaks to my main reason for not voting for him, questionable policy goals and political alliances aside. He's inexperienced. He's so green that he doesn't know that his own party will make him look a fool to keep him in line, hence the ridiculous goodwill gifts to visiting heads of state, terrible talking points in boring speeches and the lack of oversight on scripted jokes while on late night TV shows (probably should have opted out of that guest appearance altogether but I'm sure you were advised it was a good "image enhancer"). As I've always said, Pelosi and the rest of the cabal will have you do their bidding and there will be image hell to pay if you do not Mr. President. And you're green enough to think image takes precedence over actually getting the work done in what is increasingly a scary world. Lose the arrogance, take a risk that at some point someone may take issue with something you do even though it will be the right thing to do, and stand up for yourself. I believe you capable of it. I have to. Probably would have been better to work your way up to the powerful office you now hold learning some of these things and how to negotiate them along the way. But the reality is you don't have that luxury. And neither do your country nor the people who believed in you enough to take a chance on you. So step up. Quick.

And now for some levity. Totally stole this from Baby D cause she's all about kids keeping it real.

Happy April Fool's. Beware the pranksters...


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