Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Mr. Pincus

Baby D. informed me today that it was Barry Manilow's birthday so I thought I'd take a minute to explain why this blog is named after one of his songs: because when I was trying to think of a name for this blog "Copacabana" just popped into my head. Much like when my first, and perhaps best, best friend Chris named his childhood pet cat Cucumber because that's what he happened to be thinking of when the mangy stray walked around the corner of his house. I am not a secret "fanilow" like Baby D. (who, by the way, makes one adorable pregnant chick), although we did sing "I Write the Songs" in chorus in elementary school (do you remember that Baby D.? Is that why you hero worship him? Mrs. Brasher just wrecked you didn't she?) and I've always kinda liked the song "Mandy." But it's nothing deeper than that.

I know. Barry Manilow does not hold any deep meaning for me and that seems somewhat disingenuous I imagine. I'm just a word dork and the word had a nice cadence and was evocative of a mish-mash of celebratory imagery. Just like this blog. So it worked see?

Happy Birthday Barry. Thanks for the inadvertent inspiration.

And, here's this because, really, it is kinda awesome...

UPDATE: this deserves its own post (stolen a'course from Hot Air) because it's a beautiful indictment of superficiality and explains a lot about the kind of mindset that decides the merit of people based on their "sweet hipster style." I'm just gonna tack it on here though rather than wait a day because it's just that important. Didn't anyone ever tell you Yglesias about the folly of judging a book by its cover? What kind of simpleton are you? It's always strange to realize that there are some people who never emotionally mature past high school. Let me make it simple for you Yglesias: popular does not equal good. And a cool beard does not a good man make. Why do you not know this? Astounding...


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