Thursday, May 28, 2009

My dark side is meaner than your dark side. So don't tempt me.

Right, first off -- to my sister-in-law, who called me earlier from the pool. Dude. Are you trying to make me cry?

I found a quote I like on this blog, which I just stumbled across and am going to read for a while to see what I think. The quote is from the head of research for GM for almost 30 years, Charles Kettering, and it goes like this:

“Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get.”

I'm gonna chew on that for a little while. I also found the Dilbert on Gordian Knots, a copy of which has been hanging in the break room at work for several weeks now. And, you know, I see signs everywhere. They keep the dark side at bay. And -- if I haven't made this clear -- my dark side is a powerful thing. Beating it back is like climbing the walls of a well. It's the writer thing. Kinda sucks.


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