Sunday, August 20, 2006

Turned Funny and living with it

So, craziness has been the order of my days lately. But no worries -- everything is working out as it should. This is one of the great mysteries of life: the individual just doesn't have the big picture and is often left dumbstruck by the events going on around them. But I firmly believe everything works toward the good. It is the paradox of entropy. If you're interested, remind me later to run that one past you. It's a pretty good theory, albeit one that sometimes twists my brain around till I am convinced that people like Einstein and Aquinas and Luther and Weber et al just came to the conclusion that being crazy was something they could live with and they weren't going to let it interfere with their work.

Speaking of being crazy, my sister Juliana invited me to attend a play she's currently stage managing in Marietta at the charming Theatre in the Square called Turned Funny based on the memoirs of the beloved Atlanta Journal-Constitution columnist Celestine Sibley. Sibley too recognized the power in being turned a little funny -- a great southern reference to curdled cream and addled brains. Parts of it really resonated with me as a former journalist and current freelancer, particularly the passion for the physical space of a newsroom and the recognition that personal life is a casualty when you have a love affair with words. A poignant scene comes where she realizes that the abusive, alcoholic husband she married may have been better off if he'd never married her. That perhaps she destroyed him. That's a tough realization and one most people never admit to, particularly Southern women.

Anyway, it was a great show and is receiving a lot of attention and great reviews in the Atlanta papers. And, as always, it was a thrill to see Juli work. She's quite good at what she does and I believe theatre, like writing, just gets in your blood and blossoms.

Also, my sister Laura's all laid up so, if you're willing, send some good thoughts. We're both nursing blisters from our rolling skating excursion with the thundering herd. Not many people know this but I was on TV as kid where I performed a roller disco routine. It took my balance a few minutes to remind my body that I was once quite good at the rink. I had blue and yellow tennis shoe skates. Oh hell yes I did.


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