Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Ugly imperfection

Alright, I have to weigh in on the Mel Gibson thing. This is so touchy but may prove how easy it is for people to point their fingers when they just don't like someone. Should be interesting to see who, if anyone, responds by calling me a bigot. Which, rest assurred, I put heart and soul into seeing that I am not.

Here's what I think:

I think it was all taken out of context.
He's clearly got issues with his dad's bigotry and it probably is exacerbated when he drinks. Sounds to me like it's a bit of a smear campaign right before his new movie comes out.

I just can't imagine he's existed in Hollywood for as long as he has if he's truly bigoted against Jewish people. Hollywood -- and I don't think this is a secret -- has a large majority of movers and shakers who are Jewish.

There's no way they'd work with him.

I think it's more likely that the arresting officer recognized that a drunken Mel Gibson was likely easy to bait into a conversation about what's happening withWorld Events. He might happen to believe that the Jews were involved in every major modern conflict; but would anyone think it was bigoted if someone held the opinion that, say, the Moors of the middle ages were involved in every major conflict during their time? They might think it untrue but probably wouldn't accuse racism.

The main reason I think they're trying to ruin him? There was immediate coverage of how much the Malibu police cover for him before anyone even suggested such a thing. That's a hallmark of spin...

However, if it turns out he is that bigoted then I'll be deeply saddened at the frailty of man. Cause the Jews, I believe, are the chosen people. The progenitors of a monothesim that called people individuals and by name. Akhenhaten came close centuries before but the Jews really hit on something. And I owe my faith to them. As does Mel. And I think -- I really do -- that he knows this.

And if you want to know more about what Semitic peoples have done for the modern world, read Thomas Cahill's The Gifts of the Jews. It's a beautiful book. Anonymous you should really give it a shot...


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