Friday, May 15, 2009

Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction, and sometimes they're equally weird

Right, so I don't know if I'll be posting much next week because I'll be in DC and my laptop is on its last leg and is doing strange things like scrolling to the end of a page when the pointer is nowhere near the scroll bar. Good news though -- the Dell 10" mini is a scant $300 so that's an upcoming purchase and the thing will fit in my purse ya'll. Awesome. As sad as it is, I still have to budget for it. Sigh.

So, till the next time we talk, here's some new music the dude at the liquor store told me about (God I sound like a lush...) when he saw on my MP3 player I was listening to The Hold Steady. He said I would like it and I do. They're touring with these guys and the names of some of their songs are just pure greatness. Also, they are the same name as one of my family's all-time fave movies -- because we are the type of family who collectively have favorite movies. ("To me you look like number 2, know what I mean?")

Also, because the real news is getting me down -- although I'm glad to see Madam Speaker's slip is finally showing in the mainstream -- I offer you some fake news. When I was a reporter, someone gave me the Our Dumb Century tear-off desk calendar and there were a few that I just tacked up to the wall because they never failed to make me laugh. Here are two of them. I'm laughing right now.

Make it up this weekend.

UPDATE: Oh please listen to Newt tell it like it is. I can't tell you how excited it makes me to hear someone finally forcefully -- and with not a small bit of justifiable seething -- talk about what the game of politics divorced from grander ideas about the greater good really accomplishes. Speak it Preacher Gingrich!


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