Friday, March 06, 2009

I don't get jealous...

Aaaargh with your Spring Break plans!

Mention of this has been floating around work. I like it! Also, I just came across this. It's about the only good thing I've come across lately regarding the economy, the ridiculous stimulus package and the bloating of the federal government. America, meet the man. He owns you. Also, keeping my eye on this whole byte-sized communication craze there's this. My good friend CM Kay, who just became my Facebook friend (I missed you rocker man!) says that MySpace is best for bands, Facebook is best for people and Twitter is best for business. Is there a unified front in our future? To an extent but the aesthetic will have to be flexible just because of the nature of "the kids" who like to keep things separate from the aforementioned man. We'll see.

Have a safe and happy weekend. As for me, I'll be applying for work (surprise!) and trying to figure out how it went from 7 inches of snow to 77 degrees in three days. Armageddon?


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