Evening the Score
Saw this on the news this morning while I was getting ready for my first day back to work which, by the way, was pretty anticlimactic. I mean except for a few glares from some of the happier coworkers and the general negative patina that seems to hang about the furniture and hallways, it was pretty much just business as usual. Sigh.But back to this YouTube video wherein this kid Noah time-elapsed over 2,000 photos of himself, one for every day of his life over a six year period. While that itself is fairly interesting, the back story is even better. The music that accompanies the video was composed by his girlfriend at his request. As you can hear when you watch the video, it is lovely music and composed not only as a singular piece but as a true accompaniment to the "action" in the video which I think shows real talent on the part of Miss Comando.
But here's the part I find really worthy of mention: Noah, who is clearly pretty interested in himself as evidenced by a video full of 2,000 photos of his own face, started to get a little attention for his creativity and his girlfriend, it's said very casually, asked him to shop her composition around when he attended these events to discuss his "art." Well, guess what? Miss Comando started to get a little buzz herself and folks were having to go through Noah to get to her and, apparently, Noah decided to be not quite as facilitating in the promotion of his girlfriend as she had been of him when she wrote music that somehow made 2,000 photos of your face seem like art!
Needless to say, Carly Comando and Noah are no more. But she's still garnering attention for her work and we'll just have to see what happens with Noah and his face.
The moral of this story is simply don't be a tool because not only does it affect how people view your (mediocre at best) work but you risk losing the people who thought you were more than mediocre in the first place.
Noah, you're a tool.
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