Hate is hate is hate is hate is...
Got this from Michelle Malkin. Truly fascinating piece on how there really is no continuum of hate. What I mean is hate, hateful rhetoric, simple minded-ness, bad behavior, etc. simply is what it is no matter where it's directed, where it's coming from or what the reasons are behind it. In other words, a racist is a racist no matter if s/he hates blacks, whites, greens, purples or blues. It's always fascinating to me how those who are anti-semitic (for example) can look down the (now disproven) spectrum at those who bark epithets like "nappy-headed ho" and somehow feel superior. Baby, you're just looking in a mirror.Anyway, read this article. Here's a teaser: " The anti-war left and the racist far-right have come full circle and are now in total mutual agreement..." Compelling, eh?
Also, there's this little gem about negative refraction and invisibility. Truly awesome.
And, just for Friday fun, because it made me cry with laughter (Thanks Peach!), here's the PG version of the 300 trailer:
شركة ستار وود اكبر شركة اثاث مكتبي داخل السوق تتميز الشركة الاثاث المكتبي المودرن و اسعار تناسب الجميع ينم ارسال المنتجات في الوقت المتنفق عليه في العقد بدون خدش او كسر لا تترد في التعامل معانا نحن افضل شركة اثاث مكتبي في مصر .
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