Tie Fried
It wuz wicked cool to be invited to the 18-Wheeler Super Jam ’05 at the Lexington Fairgrounds. Me and Weeze was just hanging out in front of Recycled Grinds Café and these bezerker rednecks start talking to us about their upcoming monster-truck-like show. They said they was still looking for the main event but thought we should check out the festivities. Weeze and me was really baked and I was a little sketched about the whole thing. But then Red #1 pulls a dank joint out of his pocket and dangles it like a carrot. “If you like it, there’s more at the show,” says he, and then chucked a coupla tix our way. Weeze looked like a demon after one toke on that stick, man. He really did. I almost killed him with a kitchen knife.Needless to say, Weeze and me freed up our schedules. And dude did we get the Cheeba King treatment, getting backstage if you can call it that. The Reds fuckin’ loved us, man! It’s weird because one of em’, I swear, threw a PBR bottle at me once from his moving truck. We were still waiting for the main event when one of the dudes asked if he could take my picture. Cheeze, man…
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