Stones at glass houses
So I was watching a bit of the Alito hearings today at lunch (went home for the ham sandwich because I make a mean one) and was struck by Ted Kennedy's viciousness in speaking to Alito. I don't know much about the judge, and even less about the nature of these hearings, but Kennedy was spitting and flinging and hurling accusations and then never allowing any response time. The general tone of his speech was pure disgust. Kinda weird given the fact that most who know Alito and have worked with him -- across party lines I might add -- regard him as a very fair, decent and magnanimous person and colleague. Pretty good qualities for a judge, I'd say. But Kennedy -- man he makes no concessionsPretty funny that he doesn't given that he OWES HIS CAREER AND HIS FREEDOM to some pretty massive ones made on his behalf. Maybe he just forgot...
Kennedy's demise:
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